Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Study Circle

Last Friday, we had the usual Friday class of Islamic Input in the evening. I thought it will be another lecture that I should refrain myself from getting sleep. But there were very important points that were carried out from the lecture hall I suppose:
  • Halaqah (study circle) was actually an Arabic word means “a circle”. It is a continuous commitment and a dynamic process. There will be time for those in it to guide others later on. It is a personal development (zatiyah), that will help the building of the ummah.
  • Each Muslim requires the realization toward their responsibility as a Muslim to the ummah. There shouldn’t be room for ‘selfish’ among them e.g. nafsi bi nafsi. This is because, the involvement in Islamic work is the responsibilities of every Muslims toward Allah s.w.t.

“As for those who strive hard in Us (Our Cause), We will surely, guide them to Our Paths (i.e. Allah’s religion – Islamic Monotheism). And verily, Allah is with the Muhsinun (good doers).” (al-Ankabut: 69)

  • Question to ponder: With the busy and limited time we have everyday as a medical student, how can we learn and understand more on Islam, to be a better Muslim, who practise Islam as the way of life, in order to enter heaven? Is it enough with the obligatory 5 prayers in a day, which only took about 50 minutes in a 24 hours (a day)? Are we eligible for the promised heaven by Allah then?

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