Friday, June 27, 2008

Petikan ucapan Ustaz Hj. Akil Hayy Rawa

Di dalam hidup manusia, yang penting ialah BERKAT.
Bila hidup kita berkat, diri ini akan selamat.
Apabila diri selamat, rumahtangga jadi sepakat.
Apabila rumahtangga jadi sepakat,

masyarakat jadi muafakat.

Apabila masyarakat jadi muafakat,

negara kita menjadi kuat.

Apabila Negara menjadi kuat,

negara luar jadi hormat.

Apabila negara luar jadi hormat,

permusuhan pun tersekat.

Apabila permusuhan tersekat,
pembangunan pun meningkat.

Apabila pembangunan pun meningkat,
kemajuan menjadi pesat.

TETAPI AWAS, apabila pembangunan meningkat,

kemajuan menjadi pesat,
kita lihat bangunan naik bertingkat-tingkat.
Ditengah-tengah itu, tempat maksiat tumbuh macam kulat.

Apabila tempat-tempat maksiat tumbuh macam kulat,

KETIKA ITU manusia mula mengubah tabiat.

Apabila manusia telah mengubah tabiat,
ada yang jadi lalat ada yang jadi ulat.
Apabila manusia dah jadi ulat,

sembahyang makin hari makin liat.
Apabila sembahyang jadi liat,

orang baik ada yang bertukar jadi jahat.
Apabila orang baik bertukar jahat,

orang miskin pula nak kaya cepat.
Apabila orang miskin nak kaya cepat,

orang tua pula nak mati lambat.
Apabila orang tua nak mati lambat,

tak dapat minum madu telan jerla minyak gamat.

Yang lelaki, budak budak muda pakai seluar ketat.
Semua nak tunjuk kuat.
Bila berjudi, percaya unsur kurafat.
Tapi hidup pula yang melarat.
Tali kasut dah tak berikat.
Rambut pun jarang sikat.

Yang perempuan, pakai mini sekerat.
Suka pakai baju ketat.
Suka sangat menunjukkan pusat.
Hingga tak pedulikan lagi batasan aurat.
Pakai pulak yang singkat-singkat.
Kadang-kadang ternampak benda 'bulat'.

Bila jadi macam ini, siapa lihat pasti tercegat.
Silap gaya jadi gawat, bohsia bohjan lagi hebat.
Duduk jauh berkirim surat .
Bila berjumpa, tangan berjabat.
Kemudian pakat lawan peluk siapa erat.
Masa tu, nafas naik sampai tersekat-sekat.
Usah peduli agama dan adat.
Usah takut Allah dan malaikat.
Yang penting apa kita nak buat?
Kita 'bukti' lah kita buat.
Akhirnya perut kempis dah jadi bulat.
Apabila perut kempis dah jadi bulat,

maka lahirlah pula anak-anak yang tak cukup sifat.
Bila anak-anak tak cukup sifat,

jam tu kita tengok bayi dibuang di merata tempat.
Dia kata apa? Habis manusia dah masuk jerat.
Habis manusia telah tersesat.
Inilah dia fenomena masyarakat.
Oleh itu wahai saudaraku dan para sahabat,
Marilah kita pakat mengingat,
Bahawa dunia hari ini makin singkat,
Esok atau lusa mungkin kiamat,
Sampai masa kita semua akan berangkat! .
Berangkat menuju ke negeri akhirat.

Di sana kita akan ditanya apa yang kita buat.
Masa tu, sindri mau ingat.

Umur mu banyak mana mu buat ibadat...?
Zaman muda mu, apa yang telah mu buat...?
Harta benda anta, dari mana anta dapat...?
Ilmu anta, adakah anta manafaat...?

Semoga ianya dapat mengingatkan kita supaya segera
meninggalkan maksiat dan memperbanyakkan ibadat.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Study Circle

Last Friday, we had the usual Friday class of Islamic Input in the evening. I thought it will be another lecture that I should refrain myself from getting sleep. But there were very important points that were carried out from the lecture hall I suppose:
  • Halaqah (study circle) was actually an Arabic word means “a circle”. It is a continuous commitment and a dynamic process. There will be time for those in it to guide others later on. It is a personal development (zatiyah), that will help the building of the ummah.
  • Each Muslim requires the realization toward their responsibility as a Muslim to the ummah. There shouldn’t be room for ‘selfish’ among them e.g. nafsi bi nafsi. This is because, the involvement in Islamic work is the responsibilities of every Muslims toward Allah s.w.t.

“As for those who strive hard in Us (Our Cause), We will surely, guide them to Our Paths (i.e. Allah’s religion – Islamic Monotheism). And verily, Allah is with the Muhsinun (good doers).” (al-Ankabut: 69)

  • Question to ponder: With the busy and limited time we have everyday as a medical student, how can we learn and understand more on Islam, to be a better Muslim, who practise Islam as the way of life, in order to enter heaven? Is it enough with the obligatory 5 prayers in a day, which only took about 50 minutes in a 24 hours (a day)? Are we eligible for the promised heaven by Allah then?

TRIP TO MELAKA (9th – 10th April 2008)

It's nice to remember the nice memories we had in life, especially during the hard time, so that we won't be gloomy and depress all the way. So let's me tell some of the nice things I had during my 4th year break...

I began my 4th year holiday with a 2 days trip to Melaka with my friends. We were staying in a very sweet and comfortable bungalow, Sweedish and Scotland types of houses. I’ve planned to build a house like those one when I’ll have big money later J. We were swimming in the pool in front of the bungalow yards, do some presentations at night, watching fireworks (very big one and close up too) and went to Pusat Cerapan, learning more on the planets and stars. It was a very eye opening and creates conscience among us on the beautiful and structured creation of Allah s.w.t. The sky and all its contents are the evidence of The Almighty of Allah s.w.t., these will increase our knowledge in our Creator. Then why they (non-believers) are not looking at the sky above? Allah mentioned in the Qur’an:

“Do they not consider the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and whatever things Allah has created, and that may be their doom shall have drawn nigh; what announcement would they then believe in after this?” (Al-A’raaf: 185)

May we all be steadfast in the right path and given guidance by Him for a good life in this world and the Hereafter. Ameen…

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Surgery Posting

I still can’t believe that I’m already a fifth year medical student. Or maybe I still can’t accept that I’m getting older and yet still unmarried and not having children? Hey, that’s not me, actually it’s true that I have this feeling of worry inside me p2eviously when looking one by one of mi friends get Married. But after attending the marriage course during my elective posting last month, I became more understand the concept of marriage and no longer have this sense of insecure or worry of ‘andalusia’. I’ve learned that good husbands are for good wives (though we may not see all, in this real world, Wallahu a’alam), and we just need to be the best to get the best, right? Phew, words are easier than act I suppose.

Alright then, enough Of this marriage matters, I don’t know why I started in this issue coz my first intention is to tell on how I felt to have the SURGERY as my first 5th year posting. I had a bad memory and moments during my 3rd year surgical posting I may say and I don’t think I need to recall them. Forget the bad memories and create a nice one… Well, I always afraid of the surgeon previously but I Think I may change my perception on surgeon this time, maybe I gained some maturitY during My elective posting, he. When was watching television while at home, I watched this very inspirational movie named ‘Spelling the Bee’ at astro. And I found that this poem read by the girl is very self-motivating for me, who always afraid of unnecessary things. Here is the poem and I edited some line as not agree with the original one (child creation):

Our Greatest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a creation of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other

people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of
God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.

—Marianne Williamson