Friday, May 22, 2009


9/5/2009 (Saturday)

We began our journey near midnight as our flight will be on 3.30am on the next day by Qatar Airways. Nice plane and service (and cheaper), we also got free bags of toothbrush and socks. The stewards and stewardesses were mostly foreigners and not Arabs (as I expected), but I liked their dress, it was professional and convenient for their jobs. I like the way they ‘islamicize’ the airplane service by starting the journey with recitation of do’a on the screen television:

سُـبْحَانَ الَّذِى سَخَّرَ لَنَا هَاذَ وَ مَا كُنَّا نَـحْنُ مُـقْرِنِيْنَ وَ إِنَّ اِلىَ رَبِّنَا لَـمُنْقَلِبُوْنَ

“Subhaanal ladzii sakhkhara lanaa, haadza wa maa kunnaa lahu muqriniin, wa inna ila rabbinaa lamunqalibuun”.
"Glory to Him Who has subjected this (means of transportation) to our (use), for we could never have accomplished this (by ourselves). And to our Lord, surely, must we return." (Qur'an 43.13-14)

We were so sleepy that we missed the sandwiches given after the plane departed. But I’m the type who likes to awake while on board (whether by car, bus or plane). After 7 hours on plane, we arrived at Doha International Airport for another 7 hours transit. Because I only slept for 2 hours in the plane, I was very sleepy and tired but still glad that I could stretch my arms and legs and lay down in the musolla at the airport.

Doha International Airport is a very busy airport, which will disturb you with many announcements and flight callings every second. It was a big airport and many shops too. But still, KLIA is better (proud to be Malaysian). While waiting for our next flight, I couldn’t stop from watching and observing people around me. Most of them were Arabs, with different skin colors, dialects and dress. I was amazed with different kinds of fashions and designs could be done from single dress of black robes and hijabs, which are the formal dress of Arab women. These are examples, and the latest version was the one with a hood

After 3 hours flight from Doha, we finally arrived in Damascus, the capital city of Syria. When I first saw the airport, it was totally different from what I’ve seen in Doha. The buildings are old style, and they remind me to Malaysia’s previous Subang International Airport (no offend though). There were not many shops as in KLIA at the arrival area but the outside air was cool breeze and calming (though it was early summer).

My mom and I then head to Dedeman Hotel (our next 6 days place of stay), with the help of Ustaz Wan (one of Malaysian student who is studying there) by bus and taxi, so that cheaper. As we got to our room, we were exhausted and not bother to go outside as it was getting darker. Need to have good rest for the next day exploration of this ‘city of secret’, Dimashq…


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